In 2018, energetic Co-creation was born, a new method to work with the pure and creative energy of the source, the energy used in Creation, that vibration that is stored in the universe and that our planet now claims, to try to alleviate the ravages that the hand of man, in his advances towards modernity, causes him to continue.

Our planet dies and we with it, its subtle or universal energy reserves, the one that feeds our energy body, fostering life on the planet, that energy that Gaia administers, moving its reserves where they are necessary, is insufficient, we have crossed all limits and continue to do so in a race to inevitable destruction.

There has always been good and evil, yin and yang in counterpart, so that nothing is simple and our involvement is necessary, in order to continue evolving, evil was always in the minority, but little by little, implanting excessive greed In those who yearn for power as a goal of life, those who, concentrating on their personal evolution and giving help to the community, spiritually, leave Gaia the responsibility of continuing to provide shelter for our physical body.


In the history of humanity, man was never alone, he had the help of the higher energetic entities, responsible for The Creation. Some people are carriers of a mental quality that they must discover, develop and evolve in it, through these people, especially sensitive, some energetic entities and the guides in particular, they were leaving messages, which according to the needs of the time in what they lived, served for the evolution of the species.

I am a psychic, I belong to that 23% of the current population that carry a mental quality, my spiritual and evolutionary awakening began at 46 years old, some of you may think that it is fortunate to be in that group, you are wrong, it is an enormous responsibility and a great load, sometimes too heavy, most of the sensitive ones, voluntarily or involuntarily block their quality and go through life, without trying to discover their mission or life path, it is a big mistake, they do not usually have a life easy, numerous conditioning factors act so that they need to resort to what they disdained, but the path is their own and nobody can do it for us, it is our own responsibility, to get involved and discover it.

I divide the sensitive into two large groups, the mediums and the psychics, the former being much more abundant, the mediums, have a higher spiritual field than the rest of the energy fields, this acts as an antenna that allows them to receive messages of the energetic entities, I do not know two mediums with the same way of receiving messages; similar yes, same no, some have revealing dreams, others hear voices within them, others visualize events before they occur, others see the aura, others sense the departure of the people around them in advance, others see entities that have already passed away , etc., we psychics have it more complicated, we do not have that antenna, our spiritual body does not vibrate higher, but we have an easier time to connect with the subconscious, we have a mental door open, which in others remains closed and there are too many closed doors Likewise, two psychics do not have to be able to do the same things, in fact, it is not usually the case, many people we call mentalists are psychics without being aware that they are and that in reality their quality was not granted to them. to put on a show. Both groups have something in common, they carry two guides, one more than the rest of the people, the guides are intermediate energy entities, who help us with revealing messages, which we usually have to learn to interpret, something that is not usually easy, both groups we have channelings, which are nothing other than induced thoughts, implanted in our mind as if it were our own thought, but it is not, they are messages from the guides, it is necessary to learn to interpret them, since they are an excellent help to be able to make our way, the one to which we committed ourselves and evolve, because that is what we come to, to live an experience and evolve. On the other hand, we also carry an intermediate negative entity, the ancient, its job is to try to prevent us from evolving in our quality, so that our path is lengthened, we return to yin and yang, nothing is simple, it never was.

We do not set the times, everything happens when chronologically corresponds, never before, no matter how hard we try. There was a time when it became necessary that access to subtle or universal energy was not reserved only to those who were born with what we call a gift, a channel open to a healing action. For this reason, Reiki was born, from the hands of Mikao Usui, a medium in degree 4 of evolution, that degree in which the guides give direct messages allowing also to ask, which facilitates the understanding of the messages, Reiki is a method of application of subtle energy with the hands, very widespread and accessible to anyone who wants to be initiated.

Currently there are other methods of applying energy through the mind, without the application of the hands being necessary, there are several, I will mention in this case only Eric Pearl, another medium in degree 4 of evolution, who created The Reconnection, no I am going to cite more methods, there are, and none of those that work, were created without external help, we do not have that knowledge, nor the power to connect with it, we are simple tools, one more piece in the gigantic puzzle of Creation .

I was born in a degree 3 of evolution, as I have commented, I began to be aware that it was not entirely normal from my spiritual awakening at 46 years old, it has not been easy, my involvement in dowsing, something, that without It has certainly been my workhorse in past lives, it opened the path of my evolution, I am aware that I went to grade 4 when my guides appeared, this was in 2016, I was ignorant of why, practically every night, I woke up between 3:00 and 3:30 in the morning, it is the time of the guides, the witch hour, only when they come in that time slot, is when you can ask them, there are channels at other times, but that time slot is special, without interference, they were many sleepless nights, waking me up and asking a thousand questions to try to interpret their answers.

Why was I chosen to open access to the energy of The Source? The truth is that I ignore it, I never asked, that is irrelevant, I imagine it is because only someone who can connect with the subconscious of third parties, can screen that people are not suitable to be initiated, this is not a teaching open to everyone. world and this is easy to understand, only people in the light, people with a good heart, who have left behind their egos and envies, who are not inclined towards the dark side, who feel predisposed to help others and especially the planet, will be The chosen ones, no, it is not necessary to be a rare specimen, it is not that complicated, perhaps it all comes down to simply being a person with good feelings. If you consider yourself in that group and you feel that something resonates in the bottom of your heart, if you feel that you are in search, if when you believe that you have your goals accomplished, you still feel that something is incomplete in you, you may be one of the so-called To work with the pure and creative energy of The Source, if you are really willing to accept this responsibility, I encourage you to try, I assure you, that this involvement will fill your voids and you will feel pleasantly rewarded.

But remember, if you are initiated into the energy of The Source, you will acquire a responsibility, we usually flee from them, in fact from the moment you decide to be interested in this initiation, the antiquity will begin to act, it is their job, you will think, that you do not You serve for this, other commitments will arise on those dates, or other types of problems, against that I cannot fight, the important decisions of your life have to be made by you, alone, without help, remember that only you are responsible for your own evolution.


There will be two levels or courses differentiated from each other, to access the first course, people interested in being initiated, will be required as an essential requirement, sending a digital passport-type photo, in which they see their eyes, that is, looking directly to the camera, the full name and age, this image will be checked through the subconscious and the essence, with the help of the guides, with a scale numbered from 1 to 10, with the previous question, what are the values of the person in relation to the initiation to the energy of the Source, a result from 0 to 5 will indicate, not suitable, without entering further evaluations, that person regardless of the degree of friendship that I can join him, will never be able to choose any of The courses of Energy Co-creation, a 6 or 7, means that this is not the time, that you cannot opt for this course, but you can try it on later occasions, the 8, 9, 10 of the scale means that you are suitable and can be initiated if so want. No photo will be checked before a call, since this check would not work and would have to repeat it at the time of calling a new course.

The first level courses will be taught with a minimum of 4 people and a maximum of 12, in no case will that number be exceeded and reservations will always be made in order of registration.


To access this level, it is mandatory to do a bioenergetic evaluation and later the restoration, there are energetic conditions that previously have to be eliminated to be able to access the initiation, for this you have to open your pineal gland and raise your spiritual level that has to vibrate At a specific frequency, this will not turn you into a medium, it will simply allow you to directly access this vibration, it is about raising a frequency that allows us to connect just by asking. It is not an exclusive course for sensitive people, those who are in the degree of change can also access it.

The evaluation has a cost of € 50 and the restoration, depends on the problems to be restored, in the web store there are vouchers for the sessions, but we can estimate an average cost between € 150 and € 180, this is variable, it depends on the Necessary sessions, for example sensitive ones, we have more problems to solve than those who are not.

For people who have already had an evaluation and restoration, if it is recent, it will help, it will not be necessary to repeat it, in the event that it is old, I will make an evaluation of the new problems included, at no cost, but if there are new problems, if you will have to pay for those sessions.

This first level will be held in a day of about 8 hours, normally on a Saturday and will cost € 300


At the initiation, a commitment will be made aloud, respecting the use of the energy of The Source, so that if it is consciously used to try to cause damage to third parties or for the evolution of evil, the connection is cut and the energy is pure and creator of La Fuente, can never be used by that person again.








What will I be able to do after this first course:

- Recharge the energy body

- Opening someone else's pineal gland

- Close energy wounds

- Dissolve energy blockages

- Repair the aura

- Enhance the thymus gland

- Energy activation of the navel

- Fix jet lag energy problems

- Clear remnants

- Eliminate heavy or dead energy

- Energize the water


To access this second level, it will be necessary to have been initiated in the first level and that at least three or more months have elapsed since this initiation in which the practice of energy co-creation has been exercised, it will also be necessary to have previously done the initiation course to dowsing, with me, it will not help to have done a dowsing course with another person, even professional dowsers who want to access energy co-creation, have to go through this course, it is necessary to correctly detect the Curry network to be able to move it and create the energy vortices and I know that currently, for most of the dowsers, this is still a pending issue.

Likewise, if someone has already done this course with me before, they will not be required to repeat it, although it is always advisable to refresh knowledge and practice, the price of this course is € 250 and for those who wish to repeat the course, € 100 .

I have no doubt that the future of dowsing involves displacing telluric networks and that is something that is achieved after completing this second level.

This second level of energy co-creation, will be carried out in a day of about 8 hours, normally on a Saturday and will cost € 300







What will I be able to do after this second course:

- Opening of the third eye, to work from the essence

- Load objects with waveform

- Create protective shields

- Eliminate evil eye, spells and black magic

- Eliminate negative energy entities

- Dissolve the karmic pact

- Charge stones with love to deposit in the vortices

- Displace telluric networks

- Create energy vortices

- Create a vortex without specifying the place

- Create a more powerful vortex

- Project energy with your hands

- DNA activation

- The flight after the duel

- Break the ancient shield


In no case will there be a mastery course that serves to initiate third parties, in fact, this initiation is with the supervision of the guides and with their implicit help, I have been granted this mission, which will be passed on to others, only if this It is necessary and in any case the appropriate person will be indicated to me and with the capacity to do it.

Energy co-creation is not for generalized access, it is only for a limited minority, at least for the moment, these are the premises, if they change they will let me know, I repeat, I cannot initiate anyone without the prior consent of my guides , without them I can't do it.

Thanks for understanding

Epifanio Alcañiz


Dowser and radio dowser

Researcher of telluric energies


Bioenergetic restorer

Energetic cocreator

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