To be honest I have to say that before I was 46 years old, I did not know the meaning of the word dowsing, I did know the work of dowsers, but I did not know the work of dowsers. I went with my wife to the consultation of a kinesiologist, it was there while we waited to access the consultation that I began to look through a book on dowsing, that for me was a revelation, a sudden awakening, a resentment, connecting with a sleeping part in me, a poison that invaded my blood like a snake bite until it reached my mind. That was the beginning of my awakening, it was autumn 2004. When I got home I looked for a pendulum that slept in a drawer since I bought it, about 22 years before, he called me, I bought it and I put it in a drawer, there was a change from home in the meantime, but miraculously it appeared, obviously every road has a route that inevitably has to be done, I started alone, my answers were not entirely correct but they were very close to reality, you need to check it, that's why I went to the course of a dowser To see the degree of error in my assessments, I felt that dowsing was something of myself, like a memory that springs up, I do not doubt that in other lives I used this perception.
I practiced and practiced, not a lot, a lot, it was like an obsession, I read everything that fell into my hand on the subject, ancient and modern books and then I was aware that in the last 100 years there were few contributions in this field and not only That, but the sad reality was that there was very little rigor when it came to affirming something, so many information are contradictory, that is why I decided to investigate on my own each one of the things that I read, if two people contribute different points of view on a problem, obviously one of the two is not right, or perhaps neither of them.
As time went by, I realized that through my mind I could detect places where energy flowed strongly, energy vortices, something very diffuse and about which there was little information, someone had mentioned them before, calling them points of power, the word power did not grind me and I eliminated that word in my investigations, but it did not help me to say that in a specific place I detected a higher energy, I needed to verify that it was not a product of my mind. T what is related to the subtle energy, the ether, that fifth element that they mentioned in ancient times attracted me, I had realized that I could detect the different energy levels, of people, animals, places, etc. I had already started in Reiki and did many experiments with pyramidal structures and other forms that have the quality of attracting or generating a denser energy field, therefore I decided to face my own demons and I said to myself that if in a pyramidal structure You could mummify a steak, apparently because of the energy input, in a vortex I would also have to achieve it and that's how it was, it was not easy for me, when I start from scratch, without prior guidelines nothing is easy, however, I did not give up on failures And in the end I got it, mummification with energy, this is one of my contributions to dowsing, there are many more, my quality of being able to test in the distance is an invaluable help when looking for answers to many questions. I had not yet come to understand that I was different, that something in my mind was leading me to answers that other dowsers were banned from.
I worked a lot investigating the different variables of the energy body, that unknown body that gives us life, I am aware that the evolution of my learning will have an end, my questions, my doubts, are infinite, I will never be able to have all the answers, so so much I can only aspire to become an eternal apprentice, that is what I am and what I will be, at least in this life, so let me smile at me when I see that someone calls himself, master at something, whatever Even in whatever, mastery, is something that is aspired to and that is never achieved, no matter how advanced someone's knowledge of a trade or know-how may be, there will always, always be someone who surpasses it, in this life or in the following, the master's degree is not accessed, the master's degree is granted, but it is legal to try to improve day by day, in fact that is the engine that should move those who were born to investigate and share.
Over time I discovered that there are people who carry qualities that are forbidden to other people, it is what is erroneously known as gift, when in reality it is a concept of responsibility, I learned to detect these people, because I understood that I could connect with their subconscious and asking their essence, I discovered that that group that I call sensitive carry two guides, when the usual thing in the rest is that they only carry one guide, I also discovered that mediums are so because they have the highest spiritual field, and that these Sensitive people form the largest group, that I belonged to the other group, that of psychics, those of us who have two guides, but our spiritual field is not higher, we lack that antenna so that the energetic entities can connect with us, but without However, in the labyrinth of our mind there are open doors that are closed for others and this allows us to obtain some answers, but not all psychics have the same mental doors open, each one has their own tool to access knowledge, no one should try to emulate another and become like him, all sensitive people have to find our own tool, learn to use it and that, use it, for that it was given to us. . When, after numerous contributions to dowsing, I believed I had agreed to tranquility, to just continue investigating what was contributed, to expand it, my guides appeared, to open new paths for me, they were always with me, but when I changed grade, their messages were almost continuous , first with the channeling of ways capable of attracting energy, the most powerful known so far, I had requested it and it was granted, then to let me see and solve the wounds of the soul, later to make myself the best legacy, an access direct to the pure and creative energy of The Source, it is the energy used in Creation, an energy that is not found on this planet, much more powerful than the universal energy, which is the one that circulates through our planet, the one that feeds our energy body, the one that moves with methods such as Reiki, Shamballa, Reconnection, etc., no, I am not the first to have access to it, nor will I be the only one, but not all s methods that use it allow us to cut it down on our beloved planet and project it onto people, I am not allowed to use it in all its magnitude, they have only opened the channel for me to use it in some actions, with this energy you can access small or great miracles, I hope to be up to the task and earn to continue expanding my knowledge in this matter, later they gave me the keys to be able to teach other people to work with this energy, shortly after leaving grade 4 my guides said goodbye to They told me that I no longer needed them, that the answers were inside me, I refused to let them go, in fact I made a pact with them that for a time they would wake me up at the witch hour, the hour that I consider safe, of 3 : 00 to 3:30 in the morning, I am still asking my most important questions at that time, I connect with La Fuente and ask permission to ask from my essence. Without a doubt my journey has not finished, I became a messenger of the guides, that is on my way, some people for reasons that I do not know we acquire the responsibility of transmitting knowledge that is necessary according to the time in which we live, I think these people they choose their name, or it is imposed on them, as a sign, it's curious, there was a time in my youth, when I would have changed my name, I thought I had the bad luck of being born after the death of my maternal grandfather from whom I inherited The name, now I would not change it, I am aware that although it is not attractive it was chosen for me, etiologically, Epifanio means "the one who brings the light" the light is the knowledge, without a doubt there are more people with my name than not They are even sensitive, the name is not so that others understand anything, it is only so that whoever carries it understands it, I am aware that some of the messages that I contribute are innovative, they are new, for many difficult to understand just because They had never heard them before, and they do not come from someone famous who appears on TV, well this is so, I know that they will reach whoever they have to reach and that my contributions will be more appreciated when I am not there, than at the moment. My path continues, although it is full of important experiences, progress is only appreciated when we look back, the same as when you make a path and when you reach a stop, you sit down to rest and see how far the last one was. stop. Many of you feel in your chest "the call" that call that begins to become latent in the degree of change that is the seventh degree of the first stage, that call towards the not visible, the hidden, the hermetic, the not accepted, that call that prevents us from feeling completely happy, even though life has smiled at us in several of its aspects, that call that leads us to try to find out what our true mission in life is. Well, as I usually say, the road is long it ends where your heart emits its last beat, we all go to that destination without knowing what it is, we are all apprentices, that's how we were born, that's how we die. My wife and one of my children are psychics, like me, they follow my path, this company is a project of my wife.
Epifanio Alcañiz
Dowser and radio dowser
Researcher of telluric energies
Bioenergetic restorer
Energetic cocreator