Possibly they have heard so much about that energy that feeds our subtle or astral body that they think that they have little left to read.

The truth is that understanding how it works and where that energy comes from is not easy, at least it is not easy to assimilate the concept and it is not from now. Our ancestors called that fifth element ether, that subtle and invisible fluid that is supposed to fill all space and is the support of physical waves, they were not misguided, their perception was undoubtedly less altered and cleaner than ours.

I have dedicated the last years of my life to study this energy and try to understand how it reacts, I consider myself a researcher of telluric energies, I use teleradiesthesia to draw my conclusions and there are too many evidences that help me to continue and not give up before the arduous task.

To evaluate something, it is necessary to be able to measure it to be able to verify the different variables, however this is not easy. How can you measure something subtle that has not been detected or recognized by science?

You have to work a lot with the unconscious to get answers through it, that's what dowsing consists of and teleradiesthesia is the same but it allows you to go one step further as there is no barrier of distance or presence in the place, something difficult to understand, but nevertheless some people exercise on a daily basis.

We have to start from the basis that Gaia, our planet, our mother Earth, is a living element that shelters us, she regulates that energy without which there would be no life. Although it is called in different ways, this does not mean that we talk about different energies, there is only one energy, there are no good energies and bad energies, there is only one and it is good, another thing is that there are evil energy entities, which are nourish with that same energy, we could speak of negative and positive waves, of natural and artificial negative radiations, but when we speak of subtle energy, universal energy, orgone, energy grid, ... the energy that we move with Reiki or any other method, we always talk about that same energy that in addition to regulating life on the planet, makes up our energy body and although it has four different fields, spiritual, vital, mental and emotional, all of them are regulated through the same energy, possibly ultramicroscopic radiation that luckily has not yet been discovered by science and I say this because I am convinced of the need we have for it to preserve our existence. Science, like everything in this life, is too often manipulated by money, being able to experiment with this energy trying to turn it into a destructive weapon or simply remove it from one place on the planet to compensate for another, would be without a doubt disastrous, at least that is what I think.

Energy always moves by rotating counterclockwise, there are places on Earth where this energy is diluted due to the presence of other radiation and others where this energy becomes much denser, the energy of the planet is regulated through The energy vortices, which are columns of energy, which I intuit, cross the planet, these vortices that curiously arise over a geopathy serve to recharge our energy body, it is the natural way that Gaia gives us to restore our levels naturally through the chakras, which are the access door to our energy body.

There are methods and ways capable of altering the energy density of a place or a person, note that even science, which does not recognize the existence of this energy, leaves Reiki applied to cancer patients in many hospitals because there is evidence of improvement, which at least in the side effects produced by the treatment is palpable, it is also palpable in states of stress, inflammation, pain, viral processes, etc. And it is that our physical body and our etheric body go hand in hand and I would dare to say that they also go hand in hand with the planet, like everything that lives on it, that is why I consider it vitally important to stay in harmony with the place In which we live.

Some dowsers use a mental and abstract measure, a measure that serves so that the unconscious can provide us with an answer when we try to know if energy flows in greater or lesser density in a person or in a place, I speak of Bovis units (UB) According to this mental scale, the planet vibrates between 7000 and 8500 BU in neutral places, which are those that are not affected by a telluric alteration. We call this energy vibration biotic quality. Human beings should vibrate energetically tuning in and in harmony with the place we have chosen to live, this means that someone who resides in Madrid capital, where by areas we have a biotic quality of 7600 or 7800 UB, should maintain those levels in their body energy and have all your chakras balanced, I already anticipate that this is completely impossible, unless somehow extra energy is received, the different geopathies, radiation and the diseases themselves, excessively weaken that energy field, break that harmony and this It contributes greatly to our cellular and immune systems slowly weakening, I offer on this website my small contribution to restore those energy levels that are sometimes so deteriorated, due to technological advances and the evident loss of perception of our mind.

Epifanio Alcañiz


Dowser and radio dowser

Researcher of telluric energies


Bioenergetic restorer

Energetic cocreator

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